Archive for November 10, 2010

Case 5 – Programming 2

Posted in Cases on November 10, 2010 by alllifeme

So in this “case” we were asked to do at least 3 things. We had to put the character animations into a sprite,  make the character follow the ground and pick something up.

I had already put the character animations into a sprite before, so that part was already done.

So I started out with trying to make my character follow the ground. I managed to do this with some help.

Then I made a coin movie clip in the library and placed it (with actionscript) on my stage. With a hit test, I made it so that when my character hit the coin, it was removed (removeChild).



I forgot (}) alot of times, taking away some of my time. However, I am better at this now.

Other then that, there where minimal amount of trouble.


Extra notes:

This blog post might be a little short because I am a little lazy and time was running out. If I remember something  important, I will add it.